- collective art events

Zoom Meeting for Inanimate Objects

This SUNDAY 3pm
What is it and how do I join in?
The Zoom Meeting for Inanimate Objects is a game and art work all in one.
We are gathering as many people as possible to join a single Zoom Meeting, this Sunday 3rd at 3pm for 2 hours.
Join by entering your email address above. At 3pm Sunday we will send an Zoom invitation by email.
1 - Place your computer/camera somewhere different to where you normally have online meetings.
2 - Place an object that you think is interesting in front of of your computer camera.
3 - At 3pm join the meeting
4 - Turn on Sound and Video
5 - Over 2 hours periodically change one or two things about the object or image in a way that amuses you.
6 - Try to avoid being seen by anyone else in the meeting. For example when changing your object.
7 - If you are caught moving your object by someone else then then you must return your object to it's original state and start your series of changes again.
8 - We will live stream the meeting on the Hibernation Festival site and Facebook so if you have a second computer or phone you can watch the progress.

online festival of the lo-fi